
Friday, March 12, 2010

Salsa chicken

Thinking of making salsa chicken for Tuesday night dinner. I usually plan for 60. The challenge is that I only have 2 large ovens that will hold 4 steam table pans. I've found that 1 pan will feed around 20. However, lately it has been feeding considerably less, as the college students I am cooking for have been coming back for seconds and sometimes thirds. They are hungry!

The recipe I have for salsa chicken calls for baking a boneless chicken breast with salsa on top. The problem is that this has to be done in a single layer. I cannot fit 80 boneless chicken breasts in a single layer in my oven, so I have to figure something else out. I'm going to try experimenting making it somewhat the way I make parmesan chicken. I'm hoping that if I bread the chicken cutlets with Mexican flavored bread crumbs instead of Italian flavored and brown them, I can then pack them closely together slightly overlapping into the pan. When I do the chicken parmesan in this manner, I can usually get 20 chicken breasts into the pan. I can then top them with salsa and cheese. We'll see how that turns out.

I will also serve yellow rice and green beans. I used to love the yellow rice they sold at Sam's, but alas they have quit carrying that brand. Guess I'll try the new one. It's really good when a little bit of the chicken drippings with the salsa gets added into the cooking liquid. We'll also have some kind of bread and dessert. Maybe I'll try a flan.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I am an everyday cook who has found myself in charge of cooking for large groups of people at different events. I would like to find others in my situation who would like to share recipes, ideas, and tricks of the trade learned along the way. I love cooking and trying new recipes - and the challenge of converting the recipes into something that will work for a large group. My goal is to create dishes that are made in quantity, but taste as if they were cooked in my home kitchen for the family.